
• 請通過論文提交系統提交摘要, 摘要截止日期爲2014年4月01日。
• 會議以普通話/國語爲主,但接受英文論文及發言 。
• 摘要內含作者資料,包括地址、郵編、電郵地址、網址(如有)、電話,摘要正文字數爲500字以內。
• 中文書寫,簡體字型為宋體,標題大小為20,內文大小為12;繁體字型為標楷體,標題大小 為20,內文大小為12。
• 會議論文將收錄于會議論文集中,幷以光盤形式發放給與會者。

Paper Format:
• 1 April 2014 is the deadline for submission of paper abstracts. Abstracts should be submitted online.
• Papers presented at the Conference will appear in the Conference Proceedings in the CD form.
• Abstracts should be 300 to no more than 500 words prepared in Microsoft Word, WordPerfect, or compatible format.
• Please use the following format for your paper abstract:

Paper Title

Family Name, Given Name
E-mail Address

Abstract should be 300 to no more than 500 words. The abstract should provide information on the research problem, study area, data, methodology, findings, and significance of the research. While the format of your abstract may vary from this format, these contents are useful and informative to the conference participants. Co-authored papers should indicate who is the main presenter and author.