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General information on Shantou's development

Shantou is located in the eastern part of Guangdong Province and the southern part of Hanjiang River Plant. It has the reputation since ancient times as the ¡°Window of the Nanling Mountain¡± and ¡°Crucial Gate of South China¡±. It is one of the Special Economic Zones in China and famous hometown for a large number of overseas Chinese. The total area of this city reached 2,064 square kilometers with a total population of 4.8751 million. The total area of downtown area reached 1,956 square kilometers with a total population of 4.8027 million. It has the jurisdiction of Jingping, Longhu, Hangjiang, Chenghai, Chaoyang and Chaonan districts and Naoao County.

The total GDP of this city in 2004 reached 60.38 billion RMB with a growth by 11.1%. It was the first time in the past 6 years that the GDP growth rate reached over 10%. By comparison, the general income on budget reached 2.465 billion RMB with a growth by 18.65%.

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General information on real estate industry in Shantou

Due to the strategy and strong developing mind to improve the secondary industry development from the government, the real estate market of Shantou was undergoing a steady growing upturn. From 2003, the new leaders of Shantou government put great effort in the development of secondary industry, commercial trading, legislation of governance, culture improvement. All of the efforts boost up the urbanization level and brought Shantou a renaissance in economy and society.  

In 2004, the total value on secondary industry of Shantou reached 100 billion RMB. In the first half year, the GDP received a growth of 10.5%, which was higher than the nation level, with a growth of 13.4% in secondary industry; 989 million RMB in real estate developing investment, with a growth of 34.6%; 5735 yuan in People Per Capita Average Disposable Income in central district, with a growth of 7%. The investment on real estate kept growing with the economic growth. In the first 8 months, there were 24 new buildings was approved to sale, with the floor space of 480,000 square meters. The first-hand pre-selling houses sold 1.355 billion RBM with the floor space of 578,500 square meters. The first-hand selling houses sold 403 million RMB, with the floor space of 183,000 square meters. It can be seen that the relationship between need and supply in real estate market was near to balanceable. The price remained steady and the whole market ran well without any evidence of economic bubble.

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Statistics on socio-economic development
Major indices of real estate industry

Web directory  

1 Socio-Economic Development
1 Government
1 Real Estate Industry
1 Planning, Infrastructure and Urban Construction
1 Tourism, Transportation and Maps
1 Universities and Scholarly Research

