Books, Monographs and Journals

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Government Departments

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Government Publications

Most government publications are on sale at the Government Publications Centre (Ground Floor, Low Block, Queensway Government Offices, 66 Queensway, Hong Kong). There is also mail service handled by the Sales Office (28/F, Siu On Centre, 188 Lockhart Road, Wan Chai, Hong Kong).

The Government Information Services Department has a Reference Library with a collection of newspaper cuttings and government publications on the 7th Floor, Murray Building, Garden Road, Hong Kong.

Public Records Office of Hong Kong (Hong Kong Public Records Building, 13 Tsui Ping Road, Kwun Tong) - its function is for the permanent archives of official records and publications and the storage, management and ultimate disposal of semi-active official records for official reference and private research. It has a reference library for staff and public use with a strong collection of Hong Kong official publications and records, photographs, maps and press cuttings as well as files of local English language newspapers. Official publications include an almost complete collection of the Hong Kong Government Gazette, Blue Books, sessional papers, annual departmental reports for both the pre-war and post-war periods, ordinances, regulations and Hong Kong Hansard.

Most government departments have their own departmental libraries which contain many good reference materials. The use of these departmental libraries can be arranged by contacting these departments.

Website of the HKSAR Government also provides the most updated information as well as an archive of information from the previous year onward:


Hong Kong Collection (Hung On-To Memorial Library), University of Hong Kong (1st Floor, Main Library Building, University of Hong Kong) also contains a wide collection of Government publications, records, and document, catalogue of its collection is also available online at http://library.hku.hk/setscope

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Government Statistics

The Census and Statistics Department was established in 1967 and has collected and published many useful social and economic statistics. The major categories of available social and economic statistics are:

General Digests

General Economic Statistics

External Trade

External Investments

National Accounts

Labour Force, Employment, Wages

Consumer Prices and Household Expenditure

Industrial Production

Distribution and Services

Building and Construction



Social Data

Classification Lists

Electronic Publications

Publications compiled by Economic Analysis Division, Financial Services Bureau (containing various statistical data series)

Publications and census/survey reports of the Census and Statistics Department can be obtained from the Government Publications Centre (Ground Floor, Low Block, Queensway Government Offices, 66 Queensway, Hong Kong).

CD-ROMs are available from Huang Kwan & Associates Ltd. at Room 604, Java Commercial Centre, 128 Java Road, North Point, Hong Kong, and Pacific Technology Software (HK) Ltd. at Room 3502, The Lee Gardens, 33 Hysan Avenue, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong.

The Census & Statistics Department Home Page:

Hong Kong in Statistics:

The website Hong Kong Economy prepared by the HKSAR Government also offers a list of statistics in graphical and chart forms:

Hong Kong Trade and Services Statistics are undated frequently by the Hong Kong Trade Development Council:

APEC Infrastructure database offers the description of infrastructure projects in the APEC economies (including HK) with the cost more than US$ 40 million and the completion or commencing date between 1994 and 2002

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Maps and Air Photographs

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Photographs of Hong Kong

Copies of Government photographs and slides are available at the Photographic Library (Room 624, 6/F, West Wing, Central Government Offices, Lower Albert Road, Hong Kong)

The following websites also contain comprehensive collection of Hong Kong photos:

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Major Institutes and Journals


Chartered Institute of Transport (Hong Kong Section)
P.O. Box 47120,
Morrison Hill Post Office,
Hong Kong.

Hong Kong Geographical Association
Tsim Sha Tsui Post Office,
P.O. Box 97553,

Hong Kong Institute of Architects
19th floor,
No. 1, Hysan Avenue,
Causeway Bay,
Hong Kong.

Hong Kong Institute of Engineers
9th Floor,
Island Centre,
No. 1, Great George Street,
Causeway Bay,
Hong Kong.

Hong Kong Institute of Planners
P.O. Box 98341,

Hong Kong Institute of Surveyors
Room 1936,
Swire House,
Central District,
Hong Kong.

Hong Kong Institute of Housing
Room 301,
3rd Floor,
7-11 Mercer Street,
Cheong Tai Building,
Central, Hong Kong.


Asia Engineer
(published by the Hong Kong Institute of Engineers)

Asian Geographer
(published by the Hong Kong Geographical Association)

Asian Journal of Public Administration
(published by the Department of Political Science, University of Hong Kong)

Asian Journal of Environmental Management
(published by the Centre of Urban Planning and Environment Management, University of Hong Kong)

Hong Kong Journal of Social Work
(published by the Hong Kong Social Workers' Association)

HKIA Journal
(published by the Hong Kong Institute of Architects)

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